« Un bon compliment me permet de vivre deux mois »
« Un bon compliment me
permet de vivre deux mois »
« Un bon compliment me
permet de vivre deux mois » cette citation est de Marc Train, qui nous encourage vraiment à
utiliser cette arme puissante en communication dans une famille, dans un couple
ou dans n’importe quel sphère ou interagisse les humains.
Il est important d’apprendre à complimenter verbalement :
enfants ont-ils été gentils e soi ; complimentez les.
femme vous a-t-elle prépare un bon diner alors complimentez- la.
partenaire vous a aidé dans les taches ménagères ce weekend, wawww dites-lui
verbalement comment vous avez apprécié son aide.
Ne manque jamais une occasion de complimenter les
gens lorsqu’ils font quelque chose de bien.
« L’inquiétude
dans le cœur de l’homme l’accable, mais une bonne parole le réjouit. »
Proverbes 12 :25. A partir d’aujourd’hui, prenons vraiment l’habitude de féliciter,
d’encourager et de complimenter notre entourage au lieu de les critiquer
Faites 1kmdeplus :
Ø Est-ce que vous avez l’habitude de critiquer ou de
complimenter ?
Ø Avez-vous apprécié le service d’un ami,
d’un collègue, d’un membre de votre famille la semaine dernière?
Ø Prenez l’engagement de verbaliser ce que
vous ressentez du bien de vos prochains.
Schilove Gustave, entrepreneur et conférencier.
Poromoted Content:
Malignant mesothelioma is a rare, asbestos-related cancer that forms on the thin protective tissues that cover the lungs and abdomen. A combined approach to treatment is helping people improve their survival and ease symptoms.
erceptions about malignant mesothelioma are changing.
Incidence rates still hover around 3,000 new cases each year in the U.S., according to a 2017 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
However, scientific research and increased awareness are leading to earlier diagnoses, while improved and developing mesothelioma treatments are allowing patients to live longer than ever.
As more thoracic surgeons and oncologists become familiar with mesothelioma, patients will have more experienced doctors who can extend their life expectancy and increase their chances of surviving this disease.
Types of Mesothelioma, Causes & Symptoms
In order to understand mesothelioma and choose the best path to extend survival, you must first grasp some of the basic information about this type of cancer, including its causes, types and symptoms.
Exposure to asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral once highly regarded for its insulation and fire-retardant properties, is still the overwhelming cause of mesothelioma.
Approximately 75 percent of cases are men who were exposed to asbestos while serving in the military or working certain high-risk blue-collar jobs, including construction, firefighting, shipbuilding and industrial work.
Secondhand exposure also occurs when washing the clothes of someone in a high-risk occupation and living near abandoned asbestos mines or areas where asbestos occurs naturally in the environment.
Each type of mesothelioma is classified by the location in the body where it develops. Prognosis, symptoms and treatment options vary by type.
The pleural and peritoneal types of mesothelioma are the most common, while pericardial accounts for just 1 percent of cases. Another rare type known as testicular mesothelioma represents less than 1 percent of all mesotheliomas.
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